Kissey Asplund,

maker of Generation Watts.

I am an intuitive creative consultant who specializes in the logic of inner energy & creative subatomic energy. I am also the woman behind the inner energy studio— Generation Watts.

My passions expresses itself as an intuitive energy analyst and frequency tuner, music producer, maker, multi-disciplinary artist, and meditator, based in New York.

I love studying energy and the function of frequencies; no matter if they are energetic frequencies or music. To me, it’s all the same.

Generating energy is the action that we make when we state, “I create”. We generate an oscillation in our system. This oscillation runs our energy in a particular frequency (tempo). The emittance of this oscillation (our vibrations) activates the subatomic. In turn, the subatomic energy-fields construct our generations (creations).

My journey of researching mind-body connection to enhance creative output and inner energy began in Stockholm, Sweden. In my late teens, I attended a meditation. This inspired my system to generate a visualization technique that I did often. The experiences piqued my interest, and I began researching and test-driving how different mindfulness modalities could support my creativity. Today, it’s been 24 years of meditation studies and 36 years of creating. My specialty has morphed into teaching the study of energy generation, particularly focusing on creative subatomic energy.

My days are spent

  • Generating (creating)

  • Researching generation and creative subatomic energy

  • Testing and developing teachable techniques

  • Consulting others on how they can optimize their power of generation, form their projects, and enhance their overall human performance

I mostly work with makers and entrepreneurs from an array of backgrounds, from those beginning their journey; to those who are masters and want to scale up their project(s) and capacity. (Take a look at our session and programs.) I also work with doers and visionaries who want to leap in energy levels and come power their potential in this reality and lifetime.

In the past, I’ve worked in various creative forms, from being the person overseeing the entire production process to proactively generating: producing music, playing instruments, writing, illustrating, painting, designing, crafting, composing food recipes, knitting, photographing, filming, and the list goes on.

Creative Background

My creative skill-building began with the piano at the age of six. Song, performance, and dance were next. With a natural ability for middle-distance running, I was an athlete who didn’t enjoy practicing, but loved running fast during my morning runs in the forest. Spending time in nature has always been important to me. I built more musical knowledge at the performance arts high-school I attended, including learning DJing.

Afterward, I focused on fashion design, but first I wanted to update my knowledge of colors. I ended up at a fine-arts program outside of Malmo, Sweden, where I studied painting for two years. The days consisted of color theory, pigments, light, perspective, and techniques –– all while favoring the generation of larger pieces. I studied ready-to-wear clothing design in Copenhagen for a year and then threw myself into the world of retail and customer service to gain more experience in the clothing industry. 

While at “paint school”, I began singing again. My studio apartment (located opposite an amusement park) slowly morphed into a home studio. With a system of post-it notes plastered across most walls, I would collaborate with music producers from all over the world. This was the start of an international career as a music producer, DJ, and recording artist. I’ve toured throughout Europe, US, and Asia as a solo-act and DJ. And also produced music for soundtracks, artists, meditations, and designed sonic-IDs as well as music-curated for events, brands, and environments.

Meditation / Intuitive Background

For as long as I can remember, I’ve wondered how our reality works — how things are made. As a toddler, I already traveled a lot; from the north of Sweden to the Middle East; to Grenada in the Caribbean. All of these impressions affected my world-view.

The insight that a “sea of atoms” connects us all, and that we affect this through our activity, conceptualized at 14 when learning foundational physics.

My meditation journey began at 17 when I first partook in a meditation event. This experience inspired my system to generate my own visualization-techniques.

Most of my life, I’ve searched to understand how come the same pattern of equations occurs, regardless of the discipline I generated in. All most all creativity follows the same equation-pattern — this always fascinated me.

At 24, I told my mother about a recurring vision I would have: “Way above my head, I know there’s sunshine behind the clouds, but I can’t make the clouds separate.” She responded, “I think you should talk to our neighbor”. I began meeting with our neighbor, a life coach who taught me observation skills and how to “hear” the words I spoke. He gifted me a copy of Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. Based on what I learned, I built some more proactive meditation techniques.

Several years later, I moved to New York City. My life had many distortions and a dissonant ego, which made creating much more challenging. The situation forced me to set aside time for daily meditations. With time, my energy drained out, and I hit rock bottom. There, I faced an inner choice of either committing to real change (stop mucking around) or continue downward.

This commitment catalyzed me into a new life chapter. I dedicated the next 7 years to reconstructing my energy’s framework. My studies and research were primarily about energy and the frequencies of energy, as well as how these two subjects correlate with my prior knowledge in music, art, science, the physical body, and “spirituality”.

Throughout this transformation, several master consciousnesses guided me. I was moving through a deep internal overhaul. The deeper I changed, the more connected with myself I became. Every experience taught me how to master my energy further. I had to re-learn many basic functions, such as having relationships, my view of money, how to nurture and heal my body, scientific and spiritual misconceptions, success patterns, and more.

My creativity also had a full modernization. I came into connection with my innate creative abilities that had been awaiting my discovery. Tolle refers to this as sitting on a chest full of gold, but never exploring its amazing treasures “within”.

I began Generation Watts’s journey during all of this. Despite not knowing what it would turn out as, I knew it was time to begin the journey. I knew the rest would unfold if I showed up to connect with myself. We began as a monthly independent DJ-mixshow that spoke about energy and music in a different way. Today, we do a wider scope of creative wellness that includes servies, classes in meditation, articles, education and playful entertainment.

Now in my early forties, I’ve found that observation and inner energetic connection are the most potent ways to accomplish the “integration” state. When we achieve a solid connection between our elevated awareness (timeless) and physical form (timebound), our powerful energy can flow and is unstoppable. This is where our real capacity as generators of energy and co-creators kicks in.

Skill sets: impactful sympathetic resonance & deciphering the equations of energy

With a clear resonance frequency connection, I can now generate and customize large amounts of energy. The two passions of creativity and meditation have merged into the subject of generating energy. The connection between my elevated awareness and physical form enables me to read the energy-equations that construct our reality, and support you to become the best version of yourself by using energy analysis and frequency tuning.

When in a conversation with others, my natural state is to amplify my oscillation and form an energy surge. This may positively affect other’s system through an effect called “sympathetic resonance”. In this surge, all the participants may collaboratively encourage their systems into the next level (or levels) of potential. Some have said that my sessions feels like a “friendly push in the right direction”, “a high-level, creative mentor session”, or as if something “clicked”.

Here’s a short video that demonstrates how sympathetic resonance works by using metronomes. All the metronomes are triggered at different times, and as you can see, they sync up after a couple of minutes.

Your system is yours; you control it. I never edit your system; I never enter your system. I teach you how to update yourself into a more natural way of being and running energy. You may then maintain this newly taught oscillation by using the tools of your mindset, actions, and innate comprehension of energy.

My hypothesis is that this technique: 

  1. Increases the speed and amplitude of your system’s resonance frequencies (the total amount of Hz your system runs)

  2. Tunes the energy of your physical form 

  3. Inspires your internal self to download the information and data you need to fulfill your equations and the passion you came here to achieve.

Create + Meditate = Generate Energy


Meditation is much more than our inner stillness— meditation is also the vibrant state of aliveness. When we integrate our elevated awareness and our physical form, our senses and perception of the world become much clearer.

Creativity is generating energy and activating the pattern of growth—growing energy into a form. This can be an experience or creation. This growth frequency that we generate causes activity in the subatomic energy and subatomic particles around us, making the smaller move, assemble, and convert into different energies in the form of atoms and molecules. Subatomic elements are everywhere (e.g., your body, what you generate, your thoughts and feelings, and your bioenergy).

Our life-experience is never really about including or excluding a particular technique, modality, or belief system; but rather about understanding the framework underneath and aligning ourselves according to this framework the best we can.

In our integrated state, we don’t go through phases such as downtime, “out-of-service”, blockages, or energetic burnouts. Instead, we generate vast amounts of energy and proactively generate what we want and need.

Generating and powering the inner energy the accurate way, is one of the most powerful tools we have, in my experience. I encourage you to take advantage of this beautiful process that you already use all the time. It’s your innate superpower that awaits your discovery.

-Kissey Asplund

some press Kissey Asplund’s generations and music have been featured in

what others are saying

the way I see it

“ Generating is to produce energy into density. This means we cause oscillations in particles, atoms and molecules. Everybody uses this process each time we make, do, or action anything at all. The word “create” is not sufficient anymore to describe the process. “Create“ worked in the past, but today, the word “generate” is the word that aids us to understand the deeper truth of how we form physical matter (molecular energetic weight).

“Generating” is more tangible and holds more potency—because, it's the actual action that we do when we state “I create”. We generate an oscillation in our bodies and systems. This emittance causes our generations (creations) to form and become real. Sounds a bit “out there”? Stick around and I'll clarify these concepts as the journey of Generation Watts progresses.

Someone who is a master of creativity understands (consciously or unconsciously) how to generate energy into “realness”, physical matter that others can sense.

You can say we direct our Bioenergy and generate an oscillation that runs at a certain speed, at particular frequencies. Depending on what frequency the oscillation carries, it causes various kinds of energies to solidify into forms, shapes, thoughts, and experiences that we then can percieve. ”

-Kissey Asplund