Kissey Asplund headshot surrounded by the words "Create" and "Generate".

Oscillation Session: ignite your inner energy & create reality from within.

The Oscillation Session is an immersive experience designed to infuse passion in every area of your life and power your inner potential. Coached by intuitive creative consultant Kissey Asplund, this session’s main focus is to encourage your inner energy and life force to access deeper levels of energy and master presence in this reality.

✓ Leap in energy levels—function at your true resonance frequency

✓ Command your vibes to gain more presence and deeper authentic relationships

✓ Gain insights and guidance related to your energy and life-experiences

✓ Optimize inner energy & life force

✓ Passion every area of life

✓ Access inner wisdom and intuition—navigate life with clarity

  • Energized person radiating love and hearts.

    Focus: Inner Vibes

    Enhance your inner energy & life force.

  • Energy sign beaming

    Edition: 'Ample'

    Custom energy generated at a magnified power, tailored to you.

  • Theory of relativity; E=MC2.

    Energy Analysis

    Gain insights about your energy, energy equations & this reality.

  • Tuning forks in symphathetic resonance.

    Energy Optimization

    Tune & leap your energy using sympathetic resonance. Infuse passion in all areas.

  • Illustration of harmonics and harmonic proportions when it comes to frequencies.

    Harmonics & Frequencies

    Submerge in energy and frequencies generated according to Nature’s math.

  • Lightbulb in the shape of a brain radiating out energy and ideas.

    Embody Your Resonance

    Gain insights on how to navigate reality according to energy, frequencies & oscillation.

Infuse passion & resonate at your most powerful oscillation

Ready to infuse passion in all areas of your life? Want a second opinion to navigate your realms of energy? Do you desire to oscillate at your full capacity to create from within?

The Oscillation Session is for those who indulge life and seek good vibes!

Experience a personalized session focusing on your inner energy and life force. Coached by Kissey Asplund, gain insights and a bird eye's view on what's currently going on in your life, then tune and optimize the energy equations discussed using sympathetic resonance.

During this 30-minute session, submerge in custom-made energy generated by a coach who has your back. At the top of the session, ask away or hear what Kissey picks up on that day.

Asplund will energetically encourage you to leap in energy levels where you may generate more presence, inner power, synchronicity, and authentic connections with others.

white and yellow flowers

Now's the time to optimise your success-mechanism in all areas of your life & effortlessly generate Peak Clarity, Manifestation, Creativity & Self-Mastery!

In your Oscillation Session with Kissey Asplund, you'll have the opportunity to:

Enhance your inner energy and how you generate energy.

Learn the secrets to maximizing your energy and achieving more in less time, effortlessly. Access high achieving states according to the laws the energy. Learn how to hone the natural state of presence to experience timeless happiness and solidness.

♾ Ignite the daily creativity of your inner energy.

Tap into your innate power to generate energy and create from within—let this reflect in all areas of life. Access your constant well of timeless ideas and solutions to create a meaningful impact throughout your whole well-being, experiences and moments.

♾ Embrace well-being.

Stand in a surge of energy and seize the opportunity to optimize your personal energy, vitality and well-being. Embrace adventure, inspiration, and excitement while maintaining balance and alignment with your true self.

♾ Enrich relationships.

By tuning your resonance and aligning with your authentic self (your resonance frequency), you may improve communication and deepen connections with others.

♾ Gain clarity and focus.

Clarify your priorities and develop laser-like focus. Welcome synchronicity and remove distractions.

♾ Access timeless knowledge.

Connect with your innate timeless wisdom, elevate your awareness, and how you create from within. Experience the power of using timeless data to manifest your moments.

♾ Increase passion.

Harness the power of resonance to generate your desired reality.

♾ Receive personal expert guidance.

Benefit from personalized insights and suggestions tailored to your unique energy, personal life, and career.

What to expect

During your Oscillation Session:

  • Receive a full-length Energy Analysis and Optimization.

  • Release energy and attract the best for you using the technique of sympathetic resonance.

  • Identify actionable steps to propel your personal (and professional) journey.

  • Gain a bird's eye perspective on your current energy situation and receive expert guidance.

Benefits of Kissey Asplund’s coaching

  • Access a inner energy expert with a proven track record in enhancing creativity and human performance.

  • Gain a fresh perspective and action steps to heighten your journey.

  • Obtain personalized guidance tailored to your energy and bio-individuality.

  • Experience the world of oscillations, vibrations and energetic frequencies.

  • Harness energy and equations—learn how to do it on your own, including generating the correct energy and timing; move in this reality as you envision.

What others are saying…

“Kissey has this incredible ability to hold and focus energy––so much so that my one-year-old was able to sit calmly by my side while in practice together!  The environment Kissey creates is safe, supported and allows processing to take place during and beyond our sessions together. Since working with Kissey, I've noticed my usual tendency towards indecision transformed into the ability to make a decision––which in turn has freed up a ton of energy space! Game changer. Kissey has also helped surface my desire and the importance of experimentation and play without an end goal. As a dancer, one of the things I enjoy most about Kissey’s practice is how undeniably in motion I am in stillness. SO much happens between shutting my eyes and  opening them again. I can’t wait for our next session together!“

-Jes, Brooklyn, United States

Oscillation Session

( single virtual one-on-one )

The Oscillation session is a virtual one-on-one experience by creative consultant Kissey Asplund. During the immersive 30-minute session, Kissey will conduct a thorough energy analysis and optimization of your energy using mostly conversation and sympathetic resonance. At times you may experience other modalities such as guided meditation, mind-body techniques, or mindset methods. Gain valuable insights into your current life experiences, your energy, the equations of your energy, and get advice on how to shape these to your advantage. This session is aimed at empowering the command of your truest inner energy and life force; encouraging you to generate energy from within and build success in every area of your life. The session is always tailored to your unique energy.


1x Energy Analysis

1x Energy Optimization


All prices and session-durations are subject to change without notice.


In Person

Are you a current client and want to do an in-person session? In-person sessions are possible for an additional fee depending on Kissey’s availability. The fee varies based on 1) where you're located 2) if you're seeking to do a one hour session or a multiple day intensive. Contact us for more information.

What others are saying…

“I am so thankful for Kissey’s session with me. After attending traditional therapy for the past several weeks I have felt unseen and misunderstood by my therapist but I felt like Kissey picked up right away on what has been holding me in a lower vibrational state. I am so excited to see how the session impacts my life/experience internally and externally going forward. I highly recommend working with Kissey  if you are looking to elevate and bloom.”

-Jolee, New York, United States

Meet Creative Consultant Kissey Asplund—Meditation Teacher, Music Producer, Generative Energy Specialist.

Kissey Asplund specializes in the process of generating energy and creative subatomic energy. As a meditation teacher, a music producer, and the maker of The Inner Energy Studio—Generation Watts, she teaches others how to create from within. Her knowledge in generating energy, the frequencies of energy, and the timeless equations of energy makes her a unique and personable coach; a teacher who can digestibly clarify both easy and complex concepts, regardless of thought-process or starting point.

In conversation, Kissey’s natural state is to amplify the oscillation (the speed) of her energy. Her hypothesis is that in this state, she generates customizable sub-groups of energy and harmonics. Through sympathetic resonance, your system may adapt to these energetic frequencies to bring about your vision. In collaboration, you and Kissey may encourage your energy to leap into the next level(s) of potential, all according to the laws of energy.

You’ll benefit from 24 years of meditation and mind-body research, plus 36 years of creative experience.

Kissey Asplund and her creations have been featured in press such as

What Happens Energetically During a Session with Kissey Asplund

“I've meditated to the point where I am now able to generate loads of energy and teach others how to affect their energy levels in a positive manner.”- Kissey Asplund

During your session, you'll be encouraged to utilize the custom energy generated by Kissey Asplund to come into a more potent energetic-resonance in whatever subject you want to work on.

Some express that the session feels as a “friendly push in the right direction”, “a high level creative mentor session”, or as if something “clicked” which then allowed them to move forward more effectively with their energy and endeavor(s).

In addition to the custom energy, you will receive a consultation of your underlying energetic-framework; in the case of the Oscillation Session the analysis will mainly focus on your inner energy and life force.

Your oscillation (resonance) may increase dramatically during and after the session due to sympathetic resonance. This means Kissey will design frequencies that may teach your system how to download and maintain the equation you wish to update or master (on your own).

To upkeep this oscillation and update, post-session; you must keep yourself on track, show up according to the indications from your elevated awareness (higher self), and fulfill these needed actions. This process is best for those who are self-starters and those who have a self-sustained thriving mental-process.These kinds of updates require a lot of mental fortitude and understanding of how to action in this reality. You're required to take your own responsibility, support from Kissey is only provided during booked session-times. For visionary people who enjoy focusing on honing more presence and passion, the concept of responsibility isn’t unfamiliar and should be something you're already accustomed to.

During the session you can discuss, ask for advice and recommendations around your inner energy, life-force, laws of energy, generating energy, how to create experiences and moments in a specific area of your life.

Online sessions are done over video on Zoom (phone option available). In-person sessions are possible but TBD depending on location, travel, and availability.

About Kissey Asplund’s Skill-Sets

When Kissey is in conversation with others, her natural state is to amplify her oscillation and form an energy surge. In this surge, you both may collaboratively encourage your system into the next level (or levels) of potential—you can take the opportunity and leap in levels. Your personal equations (that you've already set up for yourself) and the area you want to discuss, will form the base for the session. Kissey will design energetic frequencies that may teach your system how to download and maintain the equation of what you wish to master.

Kissey’s hypothesis is that this technique:

  1. Tunes the energy of your physical form

  2. Increase the speed and amplitude of your system’s resonance frequencies
    (In short—increase the total amount of Hz your energy and system runs).

  3. Inspires your energy to download internally the information and data you need to fulfill your equations and passion.

    More here about Kissey Asplund’s mediation and creative journey.

Image credits: Surf photo by Oliver Sjöström. Break dancer photo by Zac Ong.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is oscillation and vibration?

The clean definition of a vibration is “a motion or movement that happens repeatedly (more than once) over a set measurement (points A–B)”. This unit can be anything you wish. Our culture uses “time” as our primary unit and measuring tool. In this case, when a body of mass spins over a set distance (time), we have “an oscillation”. We are bodies of masses that constantly are spinning. The closer we can spin to the tempo where we are supposed to reside, the more we can access our energetic superpower within. This is where we can generate (create) incredible things, situations, relationships and experiences.

When our body oscillates (spins) it emits vibrations. Others can pick up on our vibrations, and this send-out is also how we activate “the physical”; how we generate the underlying energy of all creations that we can read with our senses. Both your personal oscillation and the vibrations you make are made of waves that run at different speeds. This is what we refer to as frequencies (in this case frequencies of energy). You are made of trillions and trillions of energetic frequencies, and we generate abundantly of them daily in our atoms and subatomics.

The more you hone and run your personal oscillation, the clearer your energetic power may move. This means a person can generate more through spending less energy. We can generate more potent ideas, and understand who we are clearer. Creative mastery can only be achieved when we are ourselves, because here we build energy exponentially and don’t depend on others.

The new creative frequency is potent, strong, independent, forward-thinking, business savvy, masterful, playful, enjoyable, has a great download capacity, centered in self, and self-sustained. Many of these aren’t a part of the the stereotypes that we use today for artist, performer, athlete or entrepreneur. In our sessions, Kissey helps you learn how to:

  1. Oscillate at your truest resonance frequency

  2. Maintain the most potent oscillation available to you now.

What is frequency?

Our reality is wave-based. Everything is made of energy that expresses itself in frequencies.

When we wish to measure what speed an oscillation (and its vibrations) holds, we do so in a unit that our culture has agreed upon for clarity and consistency. It has been decided that this measurement is one second and the unit’s name is Hertz (Hz). (Originally named “cycles per second”).

We measure how frequently an oscillation forms one complete cycle over one second. In plain English this is said, “Something holds the frequency of so and so”. For example:

  • Your eyeball holds a frequency of around 18-20Hz (18-20 wave cycles per second)

  • The color red holds the frequency of 480 Tera Hertz (480,000,000,000,000 wave cycles per second)

  • The note G4 functions at 384Hz (384 wave cycles per second)

Oscillation is some pretty fast-moving stuff!

On Generation Watts and when Kissey Asplund speaks, we are generally referring to the frequencies that energy travels in unless something else is indicated. We also call these energetic frequencies.

What is a resonance frequency?

An optimal resonance frequency is the oscillation where an equation (people, objects, plants, animals, etc.) maintains its most potent state. This is the oscillation where a generation can produce the most energy through the least amount of effort.

This is also a personal frequency, because if everything had the same frequency, it would mean that everything in existence would look, feel, taste, smell, and sound the same.

When our oscillation is off, our “vibrations” are too slow (or too fast). In this state we can’t generate what we need, and our creations/ideas render themselves not as they should—we become non-vibrant. The Oscillation Session may assist you to increase your oscillation; to move closer to your original resonance frequency. Due to distortions in our culture, most of us are off and not connected to our true resonance frequency. Synchronizing this encourages you to hold more knowledge and establish the connection between your idea state/elevated awareness (timeless) and your body/physical form (timebound).

The law of Resonance states that objects oscillating in the same frequency like to be around one another. The underlying framework also states that objects which are less vibrant and wish to improve their oscillation. Thus, they gravitate toward objects that hold a more potent oscillation. Attraction is all about being yourself as much as possible, and let things, people, experience gravitate towards you. Lesser masses often become “attracted” and want to “dance” to the more vibrant object’s resonance capacity and “song”.

We can see demonstrations of this when someone sings in the exact resonance frequency of a crystal glass, the exact oscillation and resonance the glass prefers to move in. Once the singer has found this pitch, they increase their volume dramatically, which overexcites the molecules and forces the glass to break apart. The amount of volume the singer generates makes the glass “dance” so fast its molecules can’t remain bonded. As a result, the glass breaks.

This can also happen on a dance floor when a DJ plays too many of your favorite up-tempo songs for several hours straight. Even though you love each tune and feel excited—“Yes! this one too!”—an average body can’t handle being energetically maxed out and hyper in high levels of excitement for hours and hours at a time. We need our ebbs and flows. Self-mastery is to understand this and how to use this phenomenon.

What is resonance?

Resonance is a motion that happens in a constant repetitive manner through a steady contribution of the same amount of energy. What does this mean? Well, we can liken this statement to being at the laundromat and putting a quarter in the dryer each 7 minutes to buy another cycle. Then we have the following: a steady contribution (you feeding the dryer) of energy (the quarter) in a repeated manner (every 7 minutes).

The dryer’s cycles continue thanks to your energetic contribution. All you must do is pay a quarter, no need to supply motion for the dryer’s engine or produce electricity for it to work. You only need to contribute an even amount of the same energy to make it operate.

When we achieve great timing and alignment, resonance exponentially returns more energy than we put in (you dry more clothes faster than if you were to hang them up). You can make more through less effort, giving you more energy to generate other things in life (like going and each lunch while the dryer is finishing up your clothes).

For another example, let’s compare resonance to biking:

The first strides on a bike, our body must assign more energy to make the bike go from a standstill into movement. Once the bike is going, we can time our peddling in such a way where we can ease up and only contribute a fraction of what we put in initially. As long as we maintain steady timing, the bike has momentum.

Achieving great resonance allows us to have energy leftover for other things, making more while sustaining our current generation. It creates a loop that accumulates energy each time it circles around, like a snowball tumbling down a hill, increasing it size for each roll.

Everything physical is generated via the laws of resonance. The more we understand how and when to build resonance and what speed the different frequencies must run in, the more we control physical reality and our creative mastery.

What is an equation?

An equation is a formula stated in our timeless (our idea state) that we then action to form physicalness in our timebound. Most of the time, we need action for an equation to become “real”. Everything in existence is made according to a specific equation, a recipe of sort. Some examples of what the equations dictate include:

  • How energy should move

  • Where it should go

  • What subatomics, particles, atoms, elements, minerals, compounds, molecules, co-factors, enzymes etc. should be formed

  • How fast the energy should project itself

  • What geometry the energy must construct

The larger amount of equations our culture verifies, the easier it becomes for us to produce successful outcomes and spend less energy. It may have been a requirement for someone to have mastery of a subject the first time the equation was generated into matter—into reality. This verified equation then becomes part of our culture’s overall knowledge-base, the back-end we all spiritually log into when we want to generate something. For example, instead of verifying basic functions of a house, our culture can now focus on the equations to embellish the house.

Say, you don’t know what a chocolate bar is, and one day someone gives you a bar to indulge. While eating it, your senses fire off. At the same time, you will also download what a successful chocolate bar is and what it takes to make one. When it comes to generations—participation is required to gain the knowledge we need. Experiential knowledge is a key factor to real mastery.

Constructing, writing, and editing equations are part of the process of generating energy.

How is creating really generating?

To generate an idea into physicalness, we must have a “glue” of some sort to work with, a system which allows all the building blocks to group. Energy is what we use as this “glue”, and energy requires that everything oscillates so it can form physical weight. The vibration that all oscillations emit allows micro parts such as elements, atoms, compounds, and molecules to bond and form light, sound, objects, and so much more.

Being great at generating (creating) means we must master how to guide and produce this energetic “glue”. When we generate anything at all, we often take molecules from one structure and reformulate these into new geometric shapes. For example, this is how we use our kinetic energy in our muscles to form a chair out of wood.

This reconstruction becomes possible thanks to our actions. There must be a muscular momentum of sort for us to reshape the wood, and action is one of the key ingredients of life. The energy our body runs internally also plays into this. As a result, we must make sure to optimize our bodies no matter previous experiences, especially if we want to achieve self-mastery in generation (creation).

Increasing our oscillation means the body can generate more potent, larger equations. The physical must always be capable of handling the energy being formed. When we hold stability, remain our self despite running more energy—our creative results enhance their vibrancy.

Consider what “creativity” and “to create” actually mean. They are merely words we use to describe:

  1. When we form something timeless (like an idea) into a tangible timebound shape of some sort (something of matter)—Something we can sense (touch, feel, taste, hear, see).

  2. When we take a small concept and turn it into a larger one that the culture accepts as true—For example, the notion that when we get engaged we buy a diamond ring “because diamonds last forever”; when we go to the airport one should wear “nice” clothes, and so on.

  3. When an idea is so culturally ingrained that most of us can conjure a mental image of what it means when we hear the word associated with the equation—An example of this is when we use cultural slang such as calling someone/something “basic” or “ratchet”. I don’t necessarily agree with these examples, I am simply using them to demonstrate how ideas can scale up into larger physical energy and dictate part of our cultural framework.

Someone who our culture deems as “great at creating”, is often someone who has honed the skill of forming, shaping, molding, building, making, doing, manipulating, editing objects and experiences at a certain level.

When you are moving something from an idea into form, you are producing energy in a set direction and structure. This action is called “generation”.

You are made up of a certain amount of energy. By running this energy, you can expand and make things (generate) into physical form. This means your fundamental energy can produce itself into additional shapes that we experience as new physical objects. It is important, to note that the newly produced energy doesn’t belong to the same structure as you. There are now two geometrical shapes which are separate from each other, constructed by the same quality of energy—the artist and the art, the apple tree and the apples. As you can see, they are linked but they are never the same.

Many artists confuse what they make with who they are.

In our culture this can be understood as “not being good at setting boundaries”. In order to run energy as a masterful creative, we must have an exact shape to specific the energy within.

What is a download?

This is the simplest explanation of a download that I can come up with now. If you don’t get it, no worries! Observe my statement, let it sink in, and give it some time. No matter if you consciously understand this or not, your body and system knows how to generate energy.

1. We must first perceive that the generation is possible – Even if it is minimal, we must sense that we can form this generation. “I sense there is something here” , “I may be onto something”.

2. We then decide to activate the possibility – This is where we build the possibility from being a seed into a more developed idea. The first basic plan begins to present itself, and the possibility forms into a more “tangible” idea, meaning it holds more energetic weight.

3. We download – The idea becomes physical through our generative abilities, actions, and preparations. These three factors affect our oscillation and what material format we decide to use. All the information and data needed to make the idea “real” is formulated and gathered at this stage. This is where our timeless elevated awareness transfers the equation into our timebound physical form. We can experience this consciously. For example, we find ourselves:

  • Reading and gathering information

  • Talking with the “right” people

  • Being in the “right” place at the “right” time

  • Expanding our understanding in a particular subject

  • Playing around and randomly dabbling in a subject we have never really bothered with before

  • Connecting with our bodies through physical activity

  • Attending an event where we experience someone else achieve a similar equation (we learn from them how to do it)

4. We form a generation based on the data we distilled in step 3 – Our generation now holds enough energy and oscillates so intensely that others can experience it; they can sense it.

-> See the idea as the sketch of the house, the download as the building instructions for this house, and your actions are what performs the build of the house. <-

All four steps of the house are necessary for it to become real.

The greater our energetic system is, the intenser of an oscillation we can maintain. As a result, we can handle downloads that are packed with more power, details, and clarity.

How does a session with Kissey Asplund work?

I've meditated to the point where I now am able to generate loads of energy and teach others how to affect their own energy levels in a positive manner.” - Kissey Asplund

During your session, you may use the custom energy generated by Kissey and come into a more potent energetic-resonance in whatever you want to focus on. Some express that the session feels as a “friendly push in the right direction”, “a high level creative mentor session”, or as if something “clicked” which allowed them to move forward more efficiently with their endeavor.

You will receive a consultation of your underlying energetic-framework regarding to your generative (creative) process, project, experience, and/or ideas that you want to work on. This also depends on which session type you’ve signed up for. Your oscillation may increase through an effect called Sympathetic Resonance. Here’s a video of some metronomes that demonstrates sympathetic resonance. As you can see, they’re all triggered at different times, and synchronize in their movement after a couple of minutes.

When Kissey is in conversation with others, her natural state is to amplify oscillation and form an energy surge. In this surge, you both will collaboratively encourage your system into the next level (or levels) of potential. The equations you’ve already set up for yourself and the subjects discussed, form the base for the session. Asplund will design frequencies that may teach your system how to download and maintain the equation you wish to master.

During the session you may discuss, ask for advice around your life-experience, skills, project, idea, business, and creativity in general. Please see the session description and book the type of session according to what you wish to address. For the Equation Session, people may send what they want Kissey to look at ahead of time, while others prefer to see what is picked up on fresh during the session itself. Sessions are done over Zoom (with phone-in option) or in-person.

Kissey’s hypothesis is that this technique may: 

  1. Increases the speed and amplitude of your system’s resonance frequencies (the total amount of Hz your system runs).

  2. Tunes the energy of your physical form 

  3. Inspires your internal self to download the information and data you need to fulfill your equations.“ Read about Kissey Asplund’s mediation and creative journey here.

What to do before, during & after my session?

Before the session — Evaluate if there is anything specific you want to work on.

  • Make sure you’ve read all emails and other potential materials that have been sent to you.

  • Install or update the Zoom app on your device

  • If you still have questions contact us.

During the session — Try to relax :) If you want to address anything specific, try to pin-point what it is in the beginning of the session and as compact as possible (in the least amount of minutes). This allows for more time to support the tuning and update the frequency itself, rather than re-visiting the old equation again. In with the new—out with the old!

After the session — In order to maintain the newly installed frequency, you must be pro-active in your actions, observations and focus following the session. Your pro-active action is essential to keep you in the new oscillation. If this isn’t done, you may dip out of the update and "land" oscillating at your old speed. Often during the session, there is a download by the client of what must be done to move forward, this may happen in yours as well. Try to show up for the new understandings as much as possible.

"The power of your full capacity is within you — you are the only one who can control and make it happen.” - Kissey Asplund

Why do you have an application process?

Our privates (Oscillation Session, Equation Session and ‘Luma-Energy Alchemy for Creative & Visionaries’™) are high-intensity energy sessions that require much mental fortitude, will power, action capacity, and subconscious comprehension of how inner energy works. Because of this, those session-types have an mandatory application process everyone must undergo.

We do this to assure we prioritize those who are ready today to commit and enhance themselves into the next level. We welcome everybody from all over the globe—from masters already specializing in their expertise/passion/purpose, to those ready to explore and begin their journey.

If you don’t hear from us within 2 weeks, it means we didn’t pick your application at this time. However, you’re always welcome to re-apply for the service you want access to in 3-months. Meanwhile, we encourage you to study our other available resources to prepare for this kind of energy-leap and activation of energetic abilities + skill sets.

In the Luma-program Kisey does support ability activation if the individual is at the inner energy-level and responsibility to handle such. This would be either by reaching this inner level on your own alternatively done 4 Luma-program cycles.

How to contact us?

How to contact us…

• For questions, inquiries, wanting to book sessions or programs, looking to collaborate, or wanting to contact us about something else:
 Head to our contact page.

• For current clients and customers of Generation Watts who a question or need assistance: 
Contact the Generation Watts Customer Care Team email “[email protected]”.

• For bookings, DJ-gigs, music production request, speaking engagements, teaching engagement, or a meditation/creative-wellness workshops: 
Head to our booking page and fill out the form there.

Response time for messages…

Our aim is to respond to messages from our clients and customers within 48 hours or 2 business days.

Response time for applications…

If your application has not been responded to within 2 weeks, it means we don’t have an opening at this time. We highly encourage you to re-apply in 3 months and take advantage of our other resources to prepare, learn, and build your knowledge of how energy work.