Psychological Imprisonment vs Psychological Empowerment – Bye Bye Fake Perception!
Our culture values and generates FAKE PERCEPTION the most, but it is also the most worthless asset we have ever made.
Our current relationship with celebritism acknowledgement, shame, adoration, and especially GUILT propels the mindset that we must be seen in a certain light by others.
In this observation, I will discuss part of the equation behind this phenomenon,
MENTAL IMPRISONMENT, and how we must bypass this to empower ourselves
Only in our full capacity can our generations (creations) truly flourish.
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We use the words “generate”, “generator” and “generation” interchangable with the words “create”, “creator” and “creation”
Fake Perception
Doesn't Fly When
As generators (creators), we must let go of the attachment of how others perceive us and how we perceive them.
Lately, I have noticed the humongous fear of wrongdoing that most of us carry. We simply load the thought that someone would perceive us as “wrong”. This state expresses itself in various forms throughout our culture, family structures, friendships, workplaces, in-person and online interactions, and pretty much everywhere.
Some of us will not relate to my observation. But even the most confident people, in my experience, fear being seen as “failures”. I think stepping out of the “fake perception” game is crucial if one wants to hone mastery over themselves and their generations.
Right now, our culture’s primary goal is to display a facade.
The fear of being wrong ingrains itself so deep that it stops us from participating in life and experiencing it fully. Overall, displaying a fake, glossy, “everything is fine” image is more prioritized than “keeping it real”.
We spend vast amounts of energy looking the part, walking the walk, being in the “right” environment, and having the “right” network to the point where we confuse ourselves about who we actually are. This fosters a culture where most of us feel as if mistakes are not accepted. The fake game of perception has become a real standard.
In order to improve our generations, we must always be in action (e.g. we learn how to make music by playing music, we learn how to cook by cooking, etc.). An essential part of our learning curve is honing all our results, and this includes mistakes. Because nobody is born the perfect generator.
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Generation is the process of learning, being, and forming physicalness. When we make anything, we form energy and molecules into a set physical shape. Mistakes will happen, and failure is a component of our process; therefore, we must always use all instances to our advantage. We learn through doing, not by sitting on the sideline and guessing.
Our current state of fake perception stops our personal expansion. Learning, listening, and accepting others’ walk of life is impossible in this phony condition. There are 7.6 billion people here — all of us don’t live or act the same way. Thinking that it should be so is a delusional idea formed by a highly insecure mindset.
Everyone’s difference is a magnificent, beautiful orchestration. It occasionally makes me very sad that we don’t assist everyone to embody their full capacity but rather cut people down. There are 7.6 billion possibilities that could explore what our idea of “life” could truly mean. We are not taking advantage of the situation. We need all people to specialize in being themselves and do what they love, because one person alone can never form our whole cultural experience. No matter what our ego distortion wants to convince us of, this is simply not possible according to physics and time (see the previous post).
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Our constant judgement toward ourselves and others has set up a fake system that is used to determine what is worth more or less — our way of judging if something is “real” or not. The clean definition of “real” states that whatever we generate must be physically “well made”. When something is well made, we deem the generation as successful. Meaning, whatever we make must follow the rules of the energetic framework no matter what we personally believe. If we don’t form something according to this and instead pretend that we did, it still does not equal a successful result.
Success is not a personal trait — it’s a tool we all use to determine a generation’s process.
Everybody is successful at something, and success is a non-exclusive state that all can experience. At the same time, everybody makes mistakes, and mistakes are also a non-exclusive state. See both of these simply as “light switch on” and “light switch off”.
The current system of fake perception will highly affect your generations; it is important to be consciously aware of its existence when forming anything.
What's the
Clean Definition
of Judgement?
The clean definition of judgement is that we remain in balance while we observe the current moment. Once this observation is in place, we mechanically measure this energy toward others in our surroundings to verify our understanding.
This is where the comparison part of judgement plays in. After this, we revert, correlate all the data, and form a deeper understanding of who we are. It may seem contradictory that, in order to achieve deeper self-understanding, relating to others outside of us is mandated as well.
The observation should be more matter of fact — such as “Aha, I see! They understand ice cream cakes that way”— and never forceful — such as, “Everybody must make ice cream cakes exactly how I see it!” Nobody can ever experience life from our exact point of view. They are not us, and they don’t run on our energy.
The Glossy
Cover of
Because we don’t understand our internal judgement system, we sustain a make-believe system instead, all in order to calm our senses and desensitize ourselves from our fear. Fear, in this case, is an alarm that sets off when we are not centered, and we misinterpret this signal often. The alert is signaling, “Something is out of place, look at it!”
In short, when we don’t understand what is going on, we fill the holes in our knowledge with the energy of our guesses. We do this to ease our brain from its queries about what is happening inside and outside of our body.
Our sugar-coated, self-soothing guesses disguise our real sensory perceptions. We can compare this to when a parent gives a kid a piece of candy to shut them up, rather than dealing with why the kid’s blood sugar is crashing. Raising the levels of the sweet and glossy will continue to enhance the illusions.
Why You Shouldn't
Care About
or How You're
by Others
The main reason we must learn how to accomplish real perception is because the fear and guilt that has driven most of our culture is demolishing us. Instead of encouraging a state of expansion and self-exploration, we keep reiterating, “I must fit in with the culture no matter what”.
I think most of us agree that fake perception does not get us far; I also think that most of us agree that if we knew how, this would have shifted already. Saying we should strive for the clean definition of perception is not the answer. We must action it. Energy is movement, life is motion; therefore, to change our outcomes, we must perform action. Achievement and verification are very important parts of our validation system, and we subconsciously celebrate this. Us improving the framework always classifies as successful, even though our pain-bodies may want to trash all over the changes we have accomplished.
To clarify, I will break down a couple of factors in order highlight what I am expressing.
We are still learning different variations of generations.
Often, we have a hard time detecting the accurate frequency we must generate. Therefore, we use any equation that comes to mind when forming. Action is useful and assists us with moving forward, but our logic and ethics remain confused. This also confuses the energetic pattern.
We know in our core that togetherness and alignment with the other 7.6. billion people (our pack) is the only way forward.
This means we know we must work together and be in community with others. But it does not mean that others must think, look, or act the same as us. Togetherness does not mean we are homogenized. We must be very strong in our individuality in order to optimize the beauty of working together as one.
A big fear of ours is the perception of doing something wrong and not contributing to the greater community.
This distortion plays out in tremendous ways throughout our world and history. Here are some of the most recurring emotional pain points associated with guilt:
Guilt for not being good enough
Guilt for not accomplishing enough
Guilt for not understanding or knowing what we have not yet learned
Guilt for having insights out of the norm
Guilt for not stepping up to the plate when we know something is wrong
Guilt for upsetting others
Guilt for being in the way
Guilt for making a mistake
Guilt for not knowing how to calculate our own equations
Guilt for not knowing how to manifest what we need
Guilt for doing the right thing even though others tell us it’s wrong
Guilt for being stronger than others and, therefore, martyring and sacrificing ourselves
Guilt for being weaker and, therefore, feeling undeserving of improvement
Guilt for being more talented and, therefore, hiding it so that those we love don’t feel jealous
Guilt for having while others don’t
Guilt for being triggered, and afterwards seeing that our actions were not valid
We collectively hold the biggest boatload of guilt, and many of us think this tremendous burden is ours alone to carry. It. Is. Not!
Because we confuse value, perception, and judgement, we have issues figuring this one out. Guilt is one of the biggest energetic trigger points, the Achilles’ heel of our culture, and fake perception has become the payoff we seek for burdening ourselves with all this excessive guilt.
(This payoff never lasts.)
We should utilize the judgement system as it is meant to function.
Clean judgement does not dictate that we should control others to form stability. All it states is that we energetically observe the distance and calibrate this energy toward others to hone greater self-control.
Others referencing themselves toward you is nothing you should be concerned about, because how they perceive you doesn’t matter — it’s all currently a fake setup anyway.
All that matters is how you perceive yourself and how you can energetically handle seeing your own truth.
Will you allow yourself to embrace all the amazing potential that you hold inside 24/7?
Will you decide that it’s time to express this potential and step into what is already yours?
Will you commit to the journey of understanding yourself and the generations that this path will unlock for you?
We are keen on belonging to a group but don’t question when the group goes bonkers.
Because group dynamics are a very potent state, many of us want to partake in one. Also, the point I made of us being a part of an amazing pack plays in as well. But when we assume that everyone else has their stuff together (which they don’t), we don’t question when the group does something that seems out of place. We look around, reference everyone else, and follow along.
Group dynamics are powerful but also detrimental when formed unsound. We must shift into understanding that the key point of reference should always be ourselves first no matter what.
Is Never Good
for Any Generator
One of the most dangerous states we can self-induce is psychological imprisonment. This is a state caused by our own decision that something is (or isn’t) a certain way through bypassing our logic. Often, we install this kind of energy wall based on how we feel, previous experiences, and guesses of how everything works.
As you may suspect, the same way we can imprison ourselves with a thought, we can also liberate our inner superpower with another — the system acts in both directions.
Our thought and imaginary process is potent. These mechanics allow us to open up and close off possibilities. When we encourage a kid to tell us what they want to become when they grow up, we encourage their thought process to expand and explore the imaginary. This “imaginary” is what we later on use in techniques such as visualization.
When I studied voice, I practiced by visualizing singing the song in silence. The vocal cords almost action the same muscular movements as when one sings out loud. There are research studies where they let one group of people go to the gym and exercise while another group visualizes going to the gym doing the same exercises. The group that only imagined the challenge improved their muscular capacity by 13.4%. This is not 53% like the first group’s improvement, but those are still some significant numbers. Sitting and just imagining the action can improve our physical performance capacity.
Imagination and thought are some powerful stuff!
Let’s comprehend how this all relates to us, judgement, fake perception, and psychological imprisonment. When we fall into the hole of thinking that the most valuable thing in reality exists outside of us, we psychologically limit ourselves with the thought “My own inner superpower and vessel does not matter”. This stops our energy, and we don’t move forward. And, we continue to imprint this major untruth into our mind, we keep feeding the downward spiral.
The more we convince ourselves “Yes, this untruth is real”, the more the untruth becomes realer. Remember the post where I discussed that our focus steers our energy into its physical pathways? Well, that is happening here. We direct our focus toward the fake, unreal outcome, and we keep pushing our system to send energy there. This alters the underlying equation we have set up and changes our reality. Now, we have shifted the energetic pattern and formed something else.
Little by little, we self-induce a mental prison on how our life, energy, and everything works. Despite something not being true, we generate it into trueness. The powerful tool of a thought can also free us from our past and current state. Sadly, many of us don’t understand this and indulge in limiting ourselves more than anyone ever could.
The Strength
of Generating
You and your energy should always be the most powerful and prioritized factors in your life. Only in this self-empowered state can we have real relationships and relate to others. Our calibrated judgements and perceptions then allow us to see what really is, and we can accept others where they are.
We are all made the same way, with the same material; everybody is equally and extremely important. The power of generation comes from the connection within us first, never the other way around. This inner superpower connection is what our culture has fought over for centuries. Most fights, quarrels, and disagreements exist because our inner alignment is not in place; the psychological imprisonment takes over and the fake perception blinds us.
In alignment, our energetic power capacity is unheard of and one of the strongest energies in the world.
Entertaining the distortions of unknowing who you are and avoiding what you can actually generate makes you bury yourselves in a place where nobody can alleviate you… but you.
Be kind to yourself, and I recommend accepting others in their unique experiences and opinions as well. See it, correlate the information, and use what you observe to understand yourself even deeper. There are many beautiful people who see our reality from their personal angle right now. This is an amazing capacity that we always should encourage; we are not the same, but we are of the same — and that is incredibly beautiful.
“The powerful tool of a thought can also free us from our past and current state.”
- Kissey Asplund
words, photo & artwork by Kissey Asplund
© Generation Watts — all rights reserved.
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Kissey Asplund is a creative consultant specializing in the process of generation & creative subatomic energy. She is the founder of the creative wellness hub Generation Watts, and has gained international recognition as a music producer, multi-disciplinary artist and DJ. Her journey of researching how to use meditation to enhance creativity began at 17. Today, she teaches others how to connect to their inner superpower and hone their creative-mastery. Learn more about her virtual creative consulting service: The Equation Sessions™