Timeless +
Elevated Awareness
+ Physical Form____
Optimize your timeless idea-state and timebound well-being to generate creative mastery.
Mastery is Yours to Grab — It’s Go Time!
Mastery is not only for a handful of people — it’s available to everyone. Our culture progresses when we encourage people to explore their unique untapped potentials, accessing their inner capacity to blossom under the right conditions. The traditional view of mastery limits our possibilities.
Focus – How to Not Get Sucked Into The Mud Puddle You Don’t Want To Be In
We tend to get the most entangled with the things we want the least. When we push against something, we often energetically produce more suction towards it. This may seem upside down, but, when we take a look at how energy works — it actually makes a lot of sense.
Do Not Mourn What You Have Not Lost – Dealing With Wack Outcomes
Failed expectations, unlikable outcomes, and harsh disappointments. All of these results can set off an intense reformatting in our energy. As makers, this is something we have to deal with on a constant basis, especially when generating more complex objects.
The Artist is Not Their Art – Why It’s Impossible to Separate Yourself From Your Outcomes & Why You Have To
There is a true, clean version of the cultural misnomer, “separate the artist from the art” which we will discuss today. The artist is not their art at any point, but the energy of the art is defined by the artist and we cannot remove that fact.
If You Want to Have, You Have to Be Cool When Others Have Too – Basic Energetic Pattern Reversal
We often think that we have to bash another’s success in order to achieve our own. What if I revealed to you that participating in and enjoying other people’s success as an observer, actually makes you more successful at generating what you want for yourself.
