If You Want to Have, You Have to Be Cool When Others Have Too – Basic Energetic Pattern Reversal
We often think that we have to bash another’s SUCCESS in order to achieve our own. What if I revealed to you that participating in and enjoying other people’s SUCCESS as an observer, actually makes you more SUCCESSFUL at generating what you want for yourself.
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We use the words “generate”, “generator” and “generation” interchangable with the words “create”, “creator” and “creation”
Sucess In What
You Want To
Achieve Is
In The Energy
of “Being a
Part of”
Not The
Energy of “Not
Being Part.”
The idea that I am introducing today is based on how the framework of energy operates; you may call it one of the “laws of energy.” We are going to cover how we can use this rule of energy to our advantage. We need to cover some basics first.
I will explain and clarify the statement I am about to make further as we move along, but very simplified:
Generating situation A, is the same as participating in situation A.
Both sides of a pattern are complementary for the full expression to exist. When someone takes the role of a generator, they then commit to being the main person who downloads and shapes the energy in physical reality; the participant is the co-creator and participates by contributing the required additional energy. This has to happen in order for the energy to be able to sustain itself.
Let us use a concert as an example. Sure, a musician can perform on a stage alone, however, what makes it a concert is that there is also an audience present to experience the performance at the same time and the same place. The artist usually writes the music, rehearses, plans the live experience ahead of time so that they can produce the energy required and share what they are generating with others. The artist, in this case, is the generator and the audience is the participants. The participants need the generator to produce the concert, and the generator needs the participants to be there in order to produce enough energy for it to be seen as “a concert with audience”. Both sides have a mutual goal; and they work closely together to produce the final outcome.
Our Cultural
Need To Verify
This pattern also occurs in other instances, like when we want to build a house. Let’s pretend that you are the one who owns and builds a home. This makes you the generator as well as the participant. However, a person who walks by your home each day on their way to work is also a participant. Let’s pretend that is me; my experience, my energy, also contributes to the frequency of your situation. Feels a bit “out there”? Bear with me.
When walking around a city, if you enjoy the experience of what others have made, you also partake in the benefits of what has been made physically. The generator can’t produce all the energy required without involving their environment at some level. Since this is a beginner lesson in energetic pattern reversal, we will not delve into how energy technically works. However, the framework states: “If someone achieves to produce success, this achievement then forms an energetic platform (a level) that allows everyone else in that same culture to easier obtain the verified energy level and use it as a jump off point to form new ideas that builds on that verification”. This is because the person who achieved the successful result has now verified a legit way for running the equation and its required energy. This is very important, we culturally celebrate these kinds of achievements all the time even though we do not actively notice it on a conscious level.
The more verifications there are, the more stable our general experience becomes.
The more equations our culture verifies, the more it becomes possible for other people to produce successful outcomes through using less effort. It may have been a requirement for someone to have mastery of a subject the first time the equation was produced. The verified equation becomes part of our overall knowledge-base, the awareness, that we all log into when we want to generate something. Instead of having to verify basic functions, of say a house, our culture can now focus on embellishing the equation of a house.
Say, you do not know what a chocolate bar is, and one day someone gives you a bar that you gladly indulge. While eating (taking part) your senses will be firing off sensations; you will also start downloading what a successful chocolate bar is and what it takes to make one. In this case, participation is required in order to gain knowledge of something that was previously unfamiliar to you.
Back to the example of the house: When talking about this I am of course not referring to when someone gentrifies a community, and I am also not talking about when a large structure is forcefully imposed which pushes people out of their homes. We are in this case talking about when someone decides to build a house in the right setting and an experiencer decides to walk by that house. The person walking by the home may feel; jealous, distaste, upset, insecure, ego-triggered, dismissal, judgment. This can play out in phrases such as; “What do they think they are doing?”, “Why can I not get my life together”, “Who wants to live in something that looks like that”, “I will never ever be able to have that”.
What if, when you walk by that house, you are simply observing how someone else generates what a “home” looks and feels like to them without any further emotional involvement?
Have Yourself
a Healthy Sip
of Reality
Check on
“Want” &
Here is a quick reality check for us.
Considering the amount of houses there are and how many houses we see in a lifetime, it is impossible for us to devote the time, money, and energy needed to build and live in every single one that strikes us. But it is possible to study others’ thought process on what a home looks like as many times as we wish. It is completely possible to walk by a house that is architecturally to our liking and this can bring us a pleasurable experience.
Something else to consider is that we do not really want the house itself; the building is a mere representation of the energy and equation that we want to experience. One way to experience it is through participation via enjoying the house as an observer. This can become your sensational “chocolate bar” experience that allows you to download the equation of what your own version of a home is, if you let your energy system do what it is great at.
Consider the following; what if we build the house we want and then walk by new houses that others have built? Would it not be possible that we will still feel what we felt before we had our house? Is it not likely that we will quickly become dissatisfied and long for something new and different?
If we do not deal with understanding that the participant is part of the same pattern as the generator, we will never feel satisfaction ever. If we do not hone this pattern as a participant, we will not hone it as a generator — this is because they are a twin expression of the same pattern. Logically, does it make sense to own and live in every single house that triggers your liking? No. Would it make sense to own, say, over a hundred empty buildings that only you lived in and nobody else could enjoy? That sounds like a terrible investment to me.
It‘s horribly sad when newer buildings’ frequencies look like sh*t. It‘s sad that the person who built them decided this was a good idea, and it’s sad for everyone who has to walk by the energy every single day. I think every human wants to live in an environment where everything makes perfect sense. If you are building a house in a forest, it has to make sense within that particular environment. If you are building a structure in a city neighborhood, the same rule applies. What makes little sense is the huge amount of jealousy and misconceptions that arise when we see or feel an energy that we “want” or think we need to “take”. We become destabilized when we experience what others have mastered, what they are able to do (and, what we can’t yet do). It shocks us that there is another way of seeing the same situation and we simply forget that we can just generate the same for ourselves.
We forget that nobody wants an environment full of bad energy and garbage equations.
Very often in our culture it’s trendy to become haters when others produce a successful take on something.
Would the world not be a horrible place if it were filled with people who only produced really bad versions of everything they made?
Would it not be a place where mastery was absent?
Would it not be tiresome to walk past buildings that didn’t complement their environment?
If we hate, it leads to a culture of hate. If we embrace the success and generations of others, then this will become the new cultural standard.
Participation In
Experiences Will
Prime You Into a
It is great when anyone in our culture achieves success and it is wonderful for us to enjoy the experience of that success as participants and observers. The more we can appreciate these successful, masterful instances, the more likely it is that we will download our own version of a master success pattern. We are already a part of producing the current experience that are happening.
This is not about “owning”, “getting”, “acquiring’’, “taking’’. This is all about utilizing the amazing system we have, a system that lets us generate whatever we want to experience via focused attention.
“…the framework states: “If someone achieves to produce SUCCESS, this achievement then forms an energetic platform (a level) that allows everyone else in that same culture to easier obtain the verified energy level and use it as a jump off point to form new ideas that builds on that verification.”
words and artwork by Kissey Asplund
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Kissey Asplund is a creative consultant specializing in the process of generation & creative subatomic energy. She is the founder of the creative wellness hub Generation Watts, and has gained international recognition as a music producer, multi-disciplinary artist and DJ. Her journey of researching how to use meditation to enhance creativity began at 17. Today, she teaches others how to connect to their inner superpower and hone their creative-mastery. Learn more about her virtual creative consulting service: The Equation Sessions™