Timeless +
Elevated Awareness
+ Physical Form____
Optimize your timeless idea-state and timebound well-being to generate creative mastery.
Downloads! Downloads! Downloads!
When it is time to generate something, our system initiates a “download.” This is where we transfer data from our idea state (timeless) into our physicalness (timebound). There are various ways a download can occur.
Need, Want, Desire and… Material Ages!
Our desire to experience and improve our outcomes is often the major drive behind our inventions and discoveries. This “want” to satisfy our many senses influences the progression of our culture’s material ages. In this piece, we’ll discuss how materials stack and how our historical material ages act as one big loop of resonance.
If You Want to Have, You Have to Be Cool When Others Have Too – Basic Energetic Pattern Reversal
We often think that we have to bash another’s success in order to achieve our own. What if I revealed to you that participating in and enjoying other people’s success as an observer, actually makes you more successful at generating what you want for yourself.
