Downloads! Downloads! Downloads!
SERIES: A Perspective on Material Evolution and Human Creativity (pt.5)
When it is time to generate something, our system initiates a DOWNLOAD. This is where we transfer data from our elevated awareness (timeless) into our physicalness (timebound).
There are various ways a DOWNLOAD can occur. A mutual touch-point for most of them is that, the generator (creator) has a better comprehension of what actions to do after the download is completed.
These kind of updates allow us to generate innovations or discoveries that previously were not possible. They also make our life energy flow smoother.
We use the words “generate”, “generator”, and “generation” interchangable with the words “create”, “creator”, and “creation”
What Does a
Mean to the
Process of
For me, the simplest way to define a download is by explaining what happens during the download itself. We can divide the download section of our generation into four general steps. Please note that these steps can vary from person to person. It all depends on how you choose to optimize your system and your energy.
This is the best explanation I can come up with now. If you don’t get it, no worries! Observe it, let it sink in, and give it some time. No matter if you consciously understand this or not, your body and system know how to generate energy.
1. We must first perceive that a generation (creation) is possible – Even if it is minimal, we must sense that we can generate something into this reality. “I sense there is something here.” “I may be onto something.”
2. We then decide to activate the possibility – This is where we build the possibility from being a seed into a more developed idea. The first basic plan begins to present itself, and the possibility forms into a more “tangible” idea, meaning it holds more energetic weight.
3. We download – The idea becomes physical through our generative abilities, actions, and preparations. These three factors affect our oscillation and what material format we decide to use. All the information and data needed to make the idea “real” is formulated and gathered at this stage. This is where our elevated awareness (timeless) transfers the equation into our physical form (timebound). We can experience this consciously. For example, we find ourselves:
Reading and gathering information
Talking with the “right” people
Being in the “right” place at the “right” time
Expanding our understanding in a particular subject
Playing around and randomly dabbling in a subject we have never really bothered about before
Anchoring into our bodies through physical activity
Attending an event where we experience someone else achieve a similar equation to what we are working on
4. We form a generation based on the data we distilled in step 3 – Our generation now holds enough energy and oscillates so intensely that others can now experience it; they can sense its vibes.
See the idea as the sketch of the house, the download as the building instructions for this house, and your actions are what performs the build of the house.
All three parts are necessary for the house to become real.
The greater our energetic system is, the higher of an oscillation we can maintain while remaining in our body. As a result, we can handle downloads that are packed with power, details, and clarity.
A Great
Can Only Be
When You
Are Connected
With Your Body
The primary point to understand with downloads and the generative process is that we must be in our bodies as much as possible.
The timeless data and information related to the equation can only physically generate itself when it has somewhere to go. This somewhere is our bodies.
True mastery always lays in self-control and self-mastery. When we are not in our bodies, the downloads can’t “reach” their destination, and we then will not know what to action. Situations like these also clog up our download queue. Like a car stuck in a traffic jam, the downloads we require can’t move forward and can’t reach the destination in time. Our generative system becomes backlogged and does not sync with the time of our reality.
A download is not an external experience; it is a highly internal affair. Downloading is a method that we use to understand and calibrate the equation. They inform us of what we must action and how, all to accomplish what we want to achieve.
Downloads are also an essential part of our inner knowing. Whenever we update this knowing, we must integrate a timeless download. Sometimes, we experience a download as a small “got it”, while other times we have a big “why didn’t I think of that before?” moment.
The clean definition of a download can only happen while we are in our most potent oscillation and resonance frequency.
Our Needs,
Wants, and
Initiate Our
For any of our downloads or generations (creations) to be possible, we must first have a need, want, or desire — and we must allow for this inner demand to exist. I recommend that you always permit yourself to activate this first step of your generations. Allow yourself to adventure around what is possible.
The cultural prison of familiarity and our sluggish attitude of “nothing new can be done here”, often hinders us. Revise the pattern of invention and discovery that we discussed in part 3, and you will see the significance of this first step. It is essential!
The women at the French Riviera (reference part 3) wanted another experience, and this propelled the idea of the bikini forward. They set their minds to it and actioned the change.
Sure, we credit the designers who made those outfits more efficient and named them. But had it not been for the women’s download and their desires, these designs would not exist to begin with. There would also not have been enough momentum when the designers launched their versions.
Across the
An aspect that is interesting to consider with downloads are the similarities that occur across multiple destinations and within almost the same time periods. This happens over and over throughout history. The generators are often unable to communicate with one another. Most of the time, they also do not know of the other person’s existence. Some factors that play into these similarities have to do with:
The materials’ and the inventions’ resonance frequency
The frequency that our culture held at that time
The resonance frequency of the person who initiated the download
Many of us seem to only do our generative weightlifting when we must. The “if nothing is wrong, don’t fix it” mentality dominates our culture’s thought process. There are many reasons for this, of course; this is not the only cause.
The vibrations of materials are available to us long before we consciously consider them. Our culture seems to prefer generating equations that we have successfully produced in the past— we favor the “guaranteed” way. I theorize that the download similarities of the past occur because of our human growth pattern.
No matter where we live, we encounter similar life experiences and situations (the same patterns). Our culture’s general growth and behavioral pattern could have forced generators to download similar equations almost at the same time, mainly because they faced the same cultural issues in different locations.
Everything in nature grows according to time and patterns, and our culture is no different. This growth pattern influences how we think, what we action, what we wish to experience and so on.
I also see download similarities linked to the back-end system that we all use to form our equations. I have discussed this system in previous posts. It influences our equations and even our interpretation of the smallest word. You can read about this in a previous observation about the words “love” and “romance” if you wish to understand this more in depth.
With download similarities, I find looking at what kinds of correlations occur interesting; these parallels always highlight something. For example, how come so many societies throughout history considered discussing if a larger all-knowing consciousness exists or not? The conversation has appeared worldwide for the longest time and in civilizations that clearly could not contact one another. I see how almost all theories in their cleanest form can work and help us understand the larger picture more concisely. If everybody collaborated, we would be further along.
The most interesting part to me is…
What is it within us that wishes to understand how everything works to begin with?
It is a very driving factor; it also exists within myself, and it is unexplainable to me how it appeared there. In my situation, these kinds of questions have always been around as long as I can remember.
In the next observation out October 20th, I will share my thoughts on how trends relate to human creativity, material ages, and resonance.
“A download is not an external experience; it is a highly internal affair. Downloading is a method that we use to understand and calibrate the equation. They inform us of what we must action and how in order to accomplish what we want to achieve.”
-Kissey Asplundwords, photo & artwork by Kissey Asplund
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Kissey Asplund is a creative consultant specializing in the process of generation & creative subatomic energy. She is the founder of the creative wellness hub Generation Watts, and has gained international recognition as a music producer, multi-disciplinary artist and DJ. Her journey of researching how to use meditation to enhance creativity began at 17. Today, she teaches others how to connect to their inner superpower and hone their creative-mastery. Learn more about her virtual creative consulting service: The Equation Sessions™
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< Material Generation: Our Actions & Energy are Key
Trends: Style is Timeless, Fashion Fades (pt.6) >
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series summary:
Our understanding of materials is based on our generative capacity (creative capacity) of vibration. The more we understand our personal energy, the more masterful generators (creators) we can become.
Throughout this series, A Perspective on Material Evolution and Human Creativity, I will discuss how our cultural understanding of vibrations and material evolution relate to each other.
This is a multi-part series, you can read all the parts here. Each supercharged observation is published every other Wednesday.
-Kissey Asplund