Trends: Style is Timeless, Fashion Fades
SERIES: A Perspective on Material Evolution and Human Creativity (pt.6)
TRENDS are viral energies, patterns that are active for shorter amounts of time.
They are easier to detect when we are detached from them, when some time has passed, or when they do not directly involve us (e.g., when we visit another country or city). In these instances, we can see “the TRENDS” much clearer than when we are in the midst of them.
We use the words “generate”, “generator” and “generation” interchangable with the words “create”, “creator” and “creation”.
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Before We
Dive in
Have you noticed that we currently live in a time period where there is no “one big, clear trend” but several different ones? Think gaming-culture, how everybody suddenly knows what a QR-code is, the clean beauty revolution, the sustainability movement that is happening, and the list goes on.
I find this exciting. To me, this suggests that our culture’s oscillation capacity has improved. It also highlights that we are walking through a type a gateway of sorts, one that is different from any other we have experienced before.
Must Be
in Artisanship
Many of today’s trends’ purpose are to suck money (energy) out of consumers’ pockets. Yes, that may be harsh, but even Yves Saint Laurent said, “Fashion fades; style is eternal”.
I think his point is great. There is a level of craftsmanship that must exist in any generation (creation). Our connection to “self” determines how we value this amazing inner artisan capacity that we all have. The artisanship that I speak of isn’t only available to masters. There are many levels of makery that we can attain already at a beginner level.
To me, great craftsmanship means that something is well-made and aligns with the underlying energetic framework. This is also the clean definition of success.
There is a strong connection between artistanship and success; however, this connection has dissipated in our culture. We must always acknowledge the physical framework, no matter what we generate (create). This is the only way our equations can become self-sustainable.
Any product or service that we use exists because someone committed to making them real.
When what we generate only focus on money and skip the step of containing great energy, substance, or “realness” — enormous problems arise.
Then, the resonance frequency of our generations does not oscillate properly, making them fall flat toward the frequencies of physical reality. Money itself is not the problem — the approach to our generative process is.
Trends &
People who are masterful rarely occupy themselves too much with chasing trends. Instead, they focus on making things that last beyond the temporary.
A master’s equations contain a lot of timeless value because they know that time and energy are essential to any generation.
This doesn’t mean that it takes them a longer time to make something. It means that masters value every little ounce of time there is, whereas the average person doesn’t.
Often, when we intend for a generation (creation) to be a short trend, this also means we actively state that equation should break sooner than later.
When we instead prioritize “style”, we can then attain real value in our generation. A value that lasts not only for us but also for the experiencer. This approach allows us to develop greater relationships with our customers, suppliers, and distributors.
Anything generated must run energy in the accurate way; this goes for trends as well. There is nothing worse than malnourished energy. We have all felt this at some point; we sadly experience this a lot in our culture. This is something that we must change. Trends in their cleanest definition are vibrant tools, but solely pumping them out in order to make money is a sad way of doing business.
Our products and services must contain more long-lasting value than that.
as Tools
Trends are great when we want to test drive how something works.
They allow us to see if we like the experience and if there is momentum behind the equation. Trends can also be temporary frequencies that our culture wants at a particular moment. When the need later disappears, so does the need for the trend’s existence.
It is important to understand why we want to take part in a trend to begin with. Keep asking yourself, “Does this enhance who I am? Am I escaping into something temporary, or am I becoming myself more by doing this?”
Trends in their current form have a lot to do with group mentality and feelings of belonging.
Because of this, we must be self-aware when we interact with any trend. Here are some additional questions you can base your observations on:
Is the trend logical? Does it make sense?
Does the trend contribute to your life experience? Does it give you a laugh, a feeling of empowerment?
Is this something that you would do (or wear) if nobody saw you?
Do you like the trend? Are you attracted to it?
Are you following the trend because you want to, or are you doing it to fit in?
I think you get the gist of this; we can empower ourselves with trends, but they can also bind us down.
The Power
of Trends
The power of trends appear when many people join in and state that they want a new experience!
As mentioned, trends can be complimentary to our culture’s current frequencies. This kind of momentum can force a society into a new direction. The key here is to make sure that the “trend” is of substance (“a style”) and not substance-less (“a fashion”).
Many of our generations (creations) can go far when we have the right knowledge, action, and energy in place.
So far, in fact, that they survive being a “trend” and become timeless standards we all love.
As generators, we must make sure that our equations contain actual real value no matter how long or short we intend for them to exist.
“When we instead prioritize “style”, we can then attain real value in our generation, value that lasts not only for us but also for the experiencer.”
-Kissey Asplundwords, main photo & artwork: Kissey Asplund
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Kissey Asplund is a creative consultant specializing in the process of generation & creative subatomic energy. She is the founder of the creative wellness hub Generation Watts, and has gained international recognition as a music producer, multi-disciplinary artist and DJ. Her journey of researching how to use meditation to enhance creativity began at 17. Today, she teaches others how to connect to their inner superpower and hone their creative-mastery. Learn more about her virtual creative consulting service: The Equation Sessions™