Timeless +
Elevated Awareness
+ Physical Form____
Optimize your timeless idea-state and timebound well-being to generate creative mastery.
If You Want to Have, You Have to Be Cool When Others Have Too – Basic Energetic Pattern Reversal
We often think that we have to bash another’s success in order to achieve our own. What if I revealed to you that participating in and enjoying other people’s success as an observer, actually makes you more successful at generating what you want for yourself.
To Create is Actually To Generate Energy – Time to Switch It Up
When we are creating, we are actually operating energy in different directions and molecular shapes. One example of this is when a seed grows into a tree. The seed’s energy shifts and eventually forms the geometric structure of the tree. This is what the generative process is all about.
The Why and The How : Control Your Outcomes Creatively & Energetically
If we innately have all the tools we need, why are we always playing catch up to accomplish more? In our culture we continuously strive to establish the ultimate version of ourselves. This is a beautiful trait even though we do not always succeed. How come?
Textures are all Around – especially During Bushwick Walks
Textures are a way to build depth in our reality. They are everywhere; small, large, rough, smooth, tall, short. By changing our perspective and how we observe, we also shift the outcomes of everything that we make and do in our lives.
Stop Trying So Hard – Mistakes are Great
Trying hard can actually make something become more challenging to accomplish. This is because it is all about stepping into the mastery of what you want to make, not dipping your “maybe“ toe in it for a second here and there. The excuse of trying is your fear holding you back from what you want to accomplish.
Where is That Nice Space-Energy at Though?
Can space be the sea, the fabric in which we maneuver, operate and create in? In this episode we are going to take a look at how we can take advantage of the super energy. ‘The Energy of Space’
Get Sprung with Spring’s Explosive Energy – Catch the Wave
Growth, playfulness, vibrant colors, spring cleaning, and prepping for the newness that is coming in — Spring — an amazing time and opportunity to get something started, to “go for it,” and create. This DJ show is all about ‘the energy of spring.’
Chill Out! Best Way to Energy Momentum is to Relax and Dance Your Way There
In this edition of the Generation Watts radio show we get our party started, build vibrations, and build momentum with a dancey DJ-mix/conversation. I recommend listening to this when you want to hype yourself up, download an idea, or amp your creativity up.
Can You Feel It? What is that Love Frequency All About – A Beginner’s Guide
To resonate in love frequency is a super power that we all can have access to. Throughout this DJ-mix show we will do a first feel, listen to some different vibrations that arises when we experience love towards others and our self.
Understand the Balancing Act of Dualities and Harness One of Your Major Powers!
There is a particular energy point that arises when we strike the vicinity that lays between two (or more) dualities. The subject for this DJ show is titled: ‘The Energy of Sweet & Sour.’
Can You Dance All Night Long to Different Vibes? Me Too! The Energy of “Danceable Music”
This second episode of the Generation Watts is all about ‘The Energy of Music That You Can Dance To — Dance Music’. I invite you to investigate alongside me throughout this 1 hour DJ-mix, containing different styles of music and genres; to see if these tunes have anything frequency-wise in-common that inspires body movement (in this case dancing).
We Had a Lot of Fun Summer Soliciting at The We Mirror Experience
This summer solstices Generation Watts and I joined Joy Sela, Chenoa Maxwell, Biet Simkin for Joy's 'We Mirror' event in New York. The night was held on The Assemblage's rooftop overlooking NoMad and a beautiful vanilla pink sunset.