To Create is Actually To Generate Energy – Time to Switch It Up

CREATING can easily be interpreted as a philosophical fluff word that we use for a kind of “otherworldly” action that we else wise have a hard time describing.
Our culture constantly throws the words; CREATIVITY, CREATE and CREATING in any content batter we want to spice up to make it seem innovative and fresh.

When we are CREATING, we are actually operating energy in different directions and molecular shapes. One example of this is when a seed grows into a tree. The seed’s energy shifts and eventually forms the geometric structure of the tree.
This is what the GENERATIVE PROCESS is all about.
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We use the words “generate”, “generator” and “generation” interchangable with the words “create”, “creator” and “creation”

We Need To
Have A
To Create In

Everything around and within us is formed and built on energy. We may not think about it, we may not even recognize that this is the case. However, everything physical is running on a mutual understanding that allows for everything in existence to work together.

This is a system that consists of different kinds of energies. Let us compare it to a video game. Of course, our reality is not a video game, but there is one similarity we should note: the need for everything to run in a set framework. Everything in the video game has to be formatted in such a way that everything with in it can communicate with everything else. If this were not the case, the game would not be operational. Now back to us…

…Energy is one of the systems that our world utilizes, it is something that is automatically built into the physical reality we inhabit. 

What Actually
Happens When
We Create?

To be able to move further along, we need to establish what creativity and creating are:

If you really consider it, “creativity” and “to create” are words we use to describe when we form something timeless (like an idea) into a tangible timebound shape of some sort (something that we can sense — touch, feel, taste, hear, see).

It can also involve taking a small concept and turning it into a larger one that we culturally accept; for example, the notion that when we get engaged we buy a diamond ring “because diamonds last forever”; when we go to the airport one should wear “nice” clothes etc.

It can be an idea that is so culturally ingrained that we can all conjure a mental image of what it means when we hear the word associated with it. An example of this is when we use cultural slang such as calling someone/something “basic” or “ratchet”. I do not necessarily agree with these examples, I am just using them to demonstrate how ideas can scale up into larger physical energy that dictates part of the framework that our culture runs on.  

For right now, we are going to focus on the process; idea to physical object. Here are some examples:  

  • Carpentering wood into a table.

  • Forming fabric into a canvas.

  • Two lovers making a child.

  • Programming code to render an app.

  • Taking ingredients to form a meal.

  • Making art.

  • Writing music.

  • Designing a garment.

  • Designing an interior piece.

  • Building a house.

  • Knitting a winter hat.

  • Pouring resin in a mold to make a sculpture.

Someone who we culturally deem as “great at creating”, is someone that has honed the skill of forming, shaping, molding, building, making, doing, manipulating, editing objects and experiences. But, what lies beneath the layer of materials? What are all materials actually made of? The answer is:

Particles, atoms and molecules which, of course hold, bond, and run on massive amounts of energy.

In this post we are going to focus on why I have moved away from the word creating, and now use the word generating. This is so that you can further understand what Generation Watts is.


When you are moving something from an idea into a form, you are producing energy in a set direction and structure, this action is called Generation.

Anything that has a physical shape that consists of molecules and atoms is an energetic experience, and this experience has been produced by at least one person, or one awareness of some sort. It is not too important to understand exactly what energy is made of right now. The most important thing is to understand that when you are forming something, making it physical, you are also producing energy in a set geometric shape.

Once we understand this, we can begin comprehending that everything is constructed through the same process and in the same system. This does away with the notion that there is a better way of spending your time than doing something else. As in one career is more “respectable” than another. It is not about what you do; it is about the energy behind what you do that actually matters

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It is also not about playing the role/the part; artist, entrepreneur, CEO, parent, entertainer, cleaner, author, athlete, and so on. All of these cultural positions are fundamentally producing energy in the same way — they are doing the same process just expressed differently. Moving away from seeing it the traditional way allows us to open up and feel free to move in between different roles and wear a plentitude of hats. This is because we do not have to constrain ourselves to a particular preconceived mold.

Yes, you can be a great artist, a great CEO, and a great parent all at the same time if you truly comprehend how energy operates, and how to use this force in a way that does not drain you. Is this usual? No, because our culture does not quite understand how energy functions. We can already access many of these possibilities, we just do not know how to maximize them. It is all about focusing on what we want to bring about and hone the proper skill sets required. 

Some people have an easier time accessing equations on how to run a company, while others have an easier time with parenthood. However, if you really would like to be a CEO, an artist, and a great parent; it is possible, as long as you make sure that your system can handle running all the energy required for each role simultaneously. Note, simultaneously.

A painter specializes in generating and producing energy in paintings.

A mother specializes in generating energy, which forms a certain environment for her child to grow in.

A plumber specializes in generating energy related to the pipe systems.

A designer specializes in generating and producing energy related to objects that are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing.

A musician specializes in generating energy in the form of sound that reflects different thoughts and emotional states.

Take Away

Moving forward I will be referring to creating as the process of “generating”.

When I speak of forming ideas into tangible physical objects and physical experiences such as “creating art,” I will express this as “generating art”. This is part of updating our cultural understanding (knowing) of what we are actually doing. 

This is also about addressing the notion that “being creative” is something that is done by one particular group…

…it isn’t, everybody… all of us create… all the time.

Generation and the production of energy is something that happens 365 days, 24/7 for all humans, at all times in everything we do. The technique just looks slightly different depending on the individual and the action being executed. Our culture is dictated by misconceptions around generating energy, and I will touch on that more in the future.

“GENERATION and the production of energy is something that happens 365 days, 24/7 for all humans at all times in everything we do. The technique just looks slightly different depending on the individual and the action currently being executed.”


words and artwork by Kissey Asplund

© Generation Watts — all rights reserved.

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Kissey Asplund is a creative consultant specializing in the process of generation & creative subatomic energy. She is the founder of the creative wellness hub Generation Watts, and has gained international recognition as a music producer, multi-disciplinary artist and DJ. Her journey of researching how to use meditation to enhance creativity began at 17. Today, she teaches others how to connect to their inner superpower and hone their creative-mastery. Learn more about her virtual creative consulting service: The Equation Sessions™

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