The Why and The How : Control Your Outcomes Creatively & Energetically
If we innately have all the tools we need, WHY are we always playing catch up to accomplish more? Produce more, be real in our lives more, have better relationships, better jobs, homes that feel more homey, better friends, a larger network, deeper relationships, more extravagant travels… more, more, and more?
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We use the words “generate”, “generator” and “generation” interchangable with the words “create”, “creator” and “creation”
Some Good
Will Get Us
In our culture, we continuously strive to establish the ultimate version of ourselves. This is a beautiful trait even though we do not always succeed.
We put a lot of effort into improving our lives, but what happens if we are doing it from a perspective (a vantage point) that does not allow us to comprehend the full picture? What if all that we strive for, all the edits and improvements that we have executed, are just lost efforts because they are actually ingraining the same old energy pattern repeatedly again instead of moving us down a new road?
Hypothetically, if you are cooking a dish and you do not have any new life experiences; no new thoughts, no new insights, you did not read a new recipe… ever, you did not taste someone else’s cooking, you did not have any new thoughts pop up in your brain, and you did not talk to your friend about how you want to improve your omelet and your friend did not answer, “I add extra butter and that makes it creamier deluxe!” If none of this happened, you would probably reproduce the same dish over and over again, despite you stating to yourself that you are going to cook something completely new and adventurous for dinner.
The dish may not look quite the same, but it is likely that it will taste the same as your previous attempts. This is because your energetic eco-system has not changed.
No improvement can happen if you do not evolve and input new data in some way or form.
It does not matter how much you try to alter everything around yourself; if your internal structure remains the same, everything that you make will be reproduced more or less the same.
It may seem very obvious and almost insulting that I am taking an observation to state something that you are probably very well aware of already; “Of course nothing can change if I do not change anything!” Well, why do we not change then? Why do we not seize the opportunity to shift our lives the slightest bit right now? And how come we do not achieve making something that we have always wanted to create but never did; a sculpture, a book, a song, a building, a product, an idea, a business, a dream, a vacation?
If change is such an obvious thing, why do the changes we make rarely benefit us? Have you not already dated the “same” boyfriend in 10 different versions? Every time you go shopping for a new gadget, are you actually buying something new or is it just a copy of something that you already own? Is your BFF not simply another version of you? You both think the same, you act the same, you like the same ice cream, you are attracted to the same type of partner, you dress the same, you use the same shampoo. Did anything actually change?
I do not know the answers to these questions, only you do. But I do know this:
to understand what change is, we first have to understand why we want this change and, secondly, how to take actions to foster the change that we seek.
The Why
We need to be real about the thinking behind the change itself. Can it be one of the following reasons?
We do not want what we already have (rejection of self).
We want to flee what we are going through (escapism).
We see the distortions and want to polish our life experience into a life that has more flow (detox).
We want to make ourselves seem better than others (elevated ego).
We can’t stand where we are at (escapism again).
We have been taught that everything needs to be improved all the time, no matter if something is working or not (learned behavior pattern).
We have no idea why we want change and what change actually means.
We are on autopilot and have always done things a certain way. We actually do not want the change we are seeking. (For example: We had PBJs with white bread when we were kids, we will eat PBJs with white bread forever and never look in any other bread direction for this sandwich).
We have no effing idea what we are doing (self-explanatory).
No matter what our reason is, the answer to our why, we have to make sure that the energy we are running behind it is of the right vibe. If not, it does not matter what actions we take — we will produce the same previous end result repeatedly.
This is where our culture misinterprets what the pattern of improvement looks like. We think we can hold on to energy versus letting energy move freely: energy does not work this way.
The How
When we have established the why, we will then have a much greater understanding of how we need to proceed. It may not have reached our cognitive level yet, but subconsciously we will start laying out a plan.
The why determines the how much more than we think when it comes to creating.
We must be real with ourselves on what comes up. Are we producing something based on pain, suffering, extreme detriment? Or is the energy that we are running more of a building quality, an addition to our frequency, a so-called expansion?
Depending on what we observe, it will be fully reflected in the how, in the actions that we need to execute.
If you want to bake a cookie, you have to blend flour with sugar and butter to the right consistency. After that you have to pop it into your preheated oven for x amount of time. If you do not take any action at all, you will not have a cookie. Simple.
The how is the set of actions that you are required to do in order to get the results you want.
If you are a painter you have to pick up the paint, have a prepped canvas and understand why you are there. This does not mean that you need to know what is going to happen on the canvas. It means that you need to understand who and what you are in order to properly conduct the energy from your body onto the painting that is being painted.
If you are producing energy full of pain, the painting will exude pain to anyone experiencing it. If your energy is stable when you are painting, your painting will exude stability to the person observing it and so on. The painting can be a tool to elevate the experiencer or it can drag them down.
The Artist Makes
The Art -
The Art Does Not
Make The Artist
The artist makes the art, the art does not make the artist. Meaning, what you are and what you are going through (your thought process, your belief system, your gender, your energy, cultural identity… everything) all gets imprinted into whatever you make, build, and produce.
A person thinking that their art is the best when it is gory indicates something about how they see life. Someone else who only makes pink unicorn statues demonstrates how they view their life experience. However, both individuals can actually experience life from the same place and the expression of this is different in their technique of escapism: their “why” is the same but their “how” looks very different.
How You Phrase
Your Questions
In This Case Is
Even though we are focusing on two different aspects, why and how, it is highly beneficial when we state our questions to not phrase it as; “Why do I want this in my life?” Rephrase it instead to; “How can this be a part of my life?”
Moving the question from the word “why” to focus on the word “how” edits a cultural roadblock that exists around feeling accused when the question “why?” arises.
“Why can I not get it together?” Why can I not have success?” “Why does my music not sound fantastical?” etc. If we switch those questions to begin with the word “how” we will have a much more productive flow.
My recommendation is to ask your “why” as a “how” and formulate your answer and actions simultaneously. Phrasing the question this way also switches your focus to figuring out how something is possible and move it away from why something would not be possible at all. Instead of being energetically closed down, your questions will now force your system to solve how it can generate the outcome.
“Moving the question from the word “WHY” to focus on the word “HOW” edits a cultural roadblock that exists around feeling accused when the question “WHY?” arises.”
words and illustrations by Kissey Asplund
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Kissey Asplund is a creative consultant specializing in the process of generation & creative subatomic energy. She is the founder of the creative wellness hub Generation Watts, and has gained international recognition as a music producer, multi-disciplinary artist and DJ. Her journey of researching how to use meditation to enhance creativity began at 17. Today, she teaches others how to connect to their inner superpower and hone their creative-mastery. Learn more about her virtual creative consulting service: The Equation Sessions™